Gal 3:01-10 | The Sufficiency of the Cross

Text: Galatians 3:1-10

Preached at the Birmingham Convention, England

“Paul, an apostle (not sent from men, nor through the agency of man, but through Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead), and all the brethren who are with me, to the churches of Galatia: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us out of his present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forevermore. Amen. (Now I put a couple of exclamation points after that because that’s the way I believe Paul intended it. This immediately tells you what we’re going to be talking about in this epistle. Paul is very excited about it and it’s an excitement that has some heat with it and he says “Amen!” and then you’re not surprised when you read these next words…)

I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you, and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to that which you received, let him be accursed. For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond servant of Christ.”

This is one of Paul’s more heated…more fervent books because of this subject that’s very dear to his heart.

We were talking about the holidays with Phil that our two countries have in common. Last Sunday, in America, was Mother’s Day. And I brought out Mother’s Day cards that I had hauled all the way from the states because I wanted Kaye to have nice, beautiful cards on Mother’s Day. I hear you “Mothering Day” is in March and so we were saying that about the only holidays that we celebrate at the same time would be Easter and Christmas. And I mentioned, “What about July 4th?” And he became a little testy when I mentioned that. But, the truth of the matter is that we did fight what you call the War of Rebellion and what we call the War of Independence. The fact of the matter is that having gained independence, as all nations must, it is much more difficult to sustain that liberty than it is to obtain. Our country has lost more lives maintaining our liberty and our freedom and our sovereignty than we did in gaining it in the first place. That’s true of every country that is free.

Who was it that said that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance? It’s one thing to gain your freedom, it’s another thing to maintain your freedom. And if I had to give tonight a theme for the book of Galatians, I think it would be this… “Set Free and Staying Free.” He’s writing to people who had been set free, but his concern is that they are not staying free.

He says, “I marvel…I’m astonished…I’m amazed that you have so quickly moved and deserted and abandoned the One who saved you by His grace. He says as a matter of fact in chapter 5:1… “it is for freedom that Christ set us free, stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery…”

Paul is saying, “You have been set free, but now the problem is staying free in Jesus Christ.” And I was studying this passage this afternoon and the background and the context of it, I wrote here in my Bible… “these are people who have become with bored with Christ…bored with the Gospel.”

And I remember a time in my own ministry when we were doing conferences…there were several of us that were doing conferences together and I remember we had people driving from long distances to attend these conventions and these other two men were preaching on special subjects, you know, enticing subjects, sensational subjects…and I was praying about what God wanted me speak on that night and He kept bringing me back to Isaiah 53…to the suffering Servant…to the suffering Christ, and I kept fighting Him and I said, “Lord there’s nothing spectacular about that. There’s nothing sensational about that. Why should people drive all this distance to hear that same old story?” And God rebuked me. And He said, “You have become bored with the Gospel.” And when you are bored with the Gospel, then friend, there is something wrong.

Now, what happens usually is when we become bored with Christ and bored with the Gospel, we begin to add things to it and to once again work up enthusiasm. I know in the States, we have mega-churches now and I’m not saying this to be critical, but we have churches, of course, that offer Olympic size swimming pools and “Jogging for Jesus” classes and “Slender for the Savior” diet classes and everything, you know, a full recreation…a full service church…because we’re trying once again to get people excited about the church and excited about going to the church, but the problem in many instances, not in all instances by any means, but in some instances men are even taking away from the Gospel, soft-peddling the message of the Cross, trying to make it more attractive to the general population.

But, I want to say to you tonight that if you add anything to Christ, you subtract everything from Him. Christ plus anything equals nothing. And that’s what Paul is saying. He’s saying “if anybody preaches to you another gospel than I’ve preached to you…” Is he stubborn about this? I should say so…he wouldn’t get along very well today because he’s a stubborn, obstinate man. He says, “I tell you that even if an angel comes from heaven and preaches a different message than I’ve preached to you, let him be accursed…let him be eternally condemned.”

Why? Because if you add anything to Christ, you take everything from Him. Christ plus anything equals nothing! But, there had come some Judaizers into the church by some means who were telling these believers, “Oh, it’s not just Christ, but it’s Moses…it’s not just grace, but it’s Law…it’s not just the Spirit and faith…but it’s works.” And we may talk about this later where he says, “Are you so foolish as having begun in the Spirit, do you now believe that you can be made perfect by the works of the flesh?”

There’s always that tendency. So, tonight I want to speak to you on this subject of Paul’s opening statement and that is this…that Christ and Christ alone is sufficient for our salvation. Now when I say “salvation” I do not mean just the initial act of being saved. I’m talking about salvation from start to finish.

You see, in the Christian life you don’t start off with Jesus and then graduate to something better. Sometimes people make me feel like a poor relative, because all I have is Jesus. And they may say, “How did it go at your church yesterday?” I may say, “Oh, we had several people converted to Christ. We had several give their life to Christ.” And one man said to me, “You should have been over to our place…we had three legs lengthened.”

Well, he topped me, he thought. Now, I’m not against lengthening legs, you know, if you have a leg that needs lengthening and God wants to lengthen it, I’m not against that, but he was literally saying, “Oh, is that all that happened at your place? Just people saved? You should have been to our place.” And there are sometimes you are made to feel like a poor relative…or a poor stepchild…because all you have is Jesus, but listen, let me tell you something…in the Christian life, you don’t start out with Jesus and then graduate to something better! You don’t pick up the Cross at the entrance of the way of life and after you’ve moved on for awhile, lay it down and find something better and more sensational and more spectacular. Christ and Christ alone is sufficient for our salvation…just at the beginning of it, but from the time we are taken into His presence.

Christ is sufficient is because of the death of the Cross.

It is the cross that Jesus bore. In most of Paul’s letters he always has something nice to say to his readers. But, he doesn’t have anything nice to say to the Galatians. He says, “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”…and that’s about as good as it’s going to get as far what he has to say to his readers… “…Who gave Himself for our sins to rescue us from this present evil age according to the will of our God and Father to Whom be glory forevermore. Amen.”

In other words, he starts at the very beginning…I mean…right at the very opening of his letter, he makes it clear that what he’s talking about is the death of Christ on the cross and he’s saying, “Christ and Christ alone is sufficient because of the death of the cross.” The death of the Cross was necessary because the Bible says that He died for our sins…literally “on behalf of our sins.” And nothing else can take away our sins from the very moment in the Garden of Eden when man first sinned…however you want to interpret all of that with the fancy interpretations that we’ve had through the years…one thing I know is clear is that God had to shed the blood of any innocent animal in order to cover the nakedness of that young couple…to cover that sin…and all the way through the Bible, it’s been nothing but the blood…nothing but the blood….nothing but the blood. All the way through the Bible, without the shedding of blood there is no remission! And that is offensive to our generation!

I was reading the other day in a magazine article where somebody was complaining about this “bloody Gospel” that we preach… It was the same week that the move, “Independence Day” came out. It’s blood and guts all the way. It’s amazing that you can go to the movie or you sit down at your television set and you watch all this violence…and we cheer it on and we say, “Great! He got him! Good! He plugged him right between the eyes! He got him! That’s good that it happened!” And then we come to church and suddenly we’re squeamish and we say, “Don’t talk to us about the blood of Christ!” But, without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.

And Christ is alone sufficient for our salvation, because He alone has died on our behalf…for our sins…voluntarily… He said that He gave Himself. The word is a gift of grace. He gave Himself. I love the words of Jesus when He said, “No man takes My life from Me.” I love that! “But,” He said, “I lay it down and if I lay it down I’m able to take it up again.” He gave it voluntarily. It was not forced upon. Jesus was not a victim. I hate it when I hear people say that He was a victim of circumstances…and that that’s what brought Him to the Cross! Oh, no! He said, “For this cause I came into the world…” He was born to bleed…born to die! And I say to you that Christ and Christ alone is sufficient tonight for your salvation, for your wholeness, because of the death of the Cross.

Christ is sufficient because of the deliverance of the Cross.

Notice again, he said He gave Himself for our sins to deliver us…to rescue us from this present evil age! Now some translations read “from this present world, but the best translation there is “age.” Because it has to do with this “present” evil age. Not the world in general. Not the world of earth and mountains and sky and trees…not that! But this age, this Godless age.

See, the Bible makes it very clear that there two ages running on parallel tracks. There is this present evil age when we’re caught up in the moirés and the standards and the custom of this world and we let the world set the agenda for our life…we let the world set the standard for our ethics and our morality…there is this present evil age and running on parallel tracks there is the kingdom age.

You say, “the kingdom is coming…” Oh yes, but it is already come. And what I’m doing and what you’re doing if you’re saved is you’re living in “kingdom come.” We’re living in “kingdom come.” Christ has died. Why? To deliver us out of this present evil age so that I don’t have to be captive by this evil age in which we live! So that I can belong to the new age…not the “New Age” that everybody’s talking about, you understand…the “New Age” is the evil age, warmed over, and given a new title…but I’m talking about the new age that Jesus Christ ushered in when He arose from the dead.

The kingdom is coming, but thank God, it has already come. And Christ leaves us in the world, but not of the world. So He delivers – rescues us. That’s strange language! You might think he would say that He gives us the option, but when he uses the word “deliver” or “rescue” He implies danger. Right? How many people passing on the streets tonight believe they’re in danger…and they need to be rescued? You see, that’s the blindness that Satan brings upon lost people’s minds and hearts. They don’t realize they’re in danger. Not just in danger of being eternally condemned, but in danger of missing out on the fullness of this life…of all that God has for them…of no longer being a slave, as we come to the end of the Galatian letter, Paul says, “Let henceforth no man trouble me for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” And there’s another place where he says there were some people who seemed to be important, but who they were doesn’t matter, they were nothing to me, it was God who judges. I like that!

The Bible says “The fear of man brings a snare.” And yet there is something about when Christ saves a person He rescues him from the snare of this present evil age. He’s not just rescuing him from hell. He’s rescuing him from this age…this life that he’s living. See, we must emphasize those words…deliver, rescue…implies that they are in danger…that this evil age is a danger.

Kaye and I were watching the news tonight on TV and they were talking about education. We’ve become enlightened. We think we’ve found such a better way. Isn’t it interesting how now we’re returning to the old ways…how we see that need now…and I told my wife, “It’s not just in education, but it’s in morals and ethics and we’re reaping what we have sown.” Why? Because folks, this evil age is dangerous. It’s hazardous to your health. So, Paul says that we have been rescued.

But, there’s another interesting thing about that word rescued. In the Greek tense it means “rescued for myself.” What he’s saying is that when Christ died on the Cross, He was rescuing us for Himself. And so it’s not just being passed from this age to the future age, but it is also being possessed by God Himself. God did this so we might belong to Him…so that we might be His possession! So, what we have here is the death of the Cross…that makes Christ and Christ alone sufficient for He was the only One who was able to die for our sins. But, also because of the deliverance of the Cross.

Christ is sufficient because of the design of the Cross.

Now, I didn’t intentionally plan for all these to start with the letter “d”…it just came out that way. I’m not hung up on all that. It just happened to be that way. I usually don’t like to use alliteration because then you begin to anticipate and sometimes you finish my outline before I ever get there. Don’t do that…I might slip a “c” in on you next!

The design of the Cross…notice those words, “…according to the will of our God and Father…” People say, “why does it have to be through the Cross? You evangelicals are so narrow minded! Why does it have to be through the Cross? Why does it have to be your way?” Because that’s the way God wants it! That’s why! Oh, but why does it have to be through faith? Why does it have to this way? Well, I could give a hundred reasons, but there’s only one big overarching reason…and that’s because this is the way God wanted it! It’s according to the will of God!

Down in verse 11, Paul says, “I want you to know brothers that the Gospel I preach is not something that man made up.” And I tell you something else…it’s not something that God thought up at the last minute. I remember somewhere in the Bible that Christ is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Isn’t that something? Did you know that God is a Savior before He’s a Creator? You know, most of the time, when we think of God, all of God’s activities, we would start out with Creation, wouldn’t we? And then, down near the last, we’d say Redemption…but the fact of the matter is long before He was a Creator, He was a Savior! Because before there was ever a tree in the Garden of Eden, there was a Cross on the hill of Golgotha in the mind and eternal purpose of God. It’s according to God’s will. What we’re preaching is divine in its source. It’s not something made up by man.

Did you notice something here? He says in verse 6 “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting…”…not the Gospel but… “deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ.” Did you pick that up? Did you notice that? You see, Paul is startled that they’re doing it so quickly. It shows you how fast the devil works. But he’s also startled because they’re not forsaking a theological position. They’re not deserting a doctrinal ideology. They’re forsaking a Person! They are deserting a Person!

My dear friend, when you change the Gospel…when you attack the Gospel…you are attacking God Himself. So, the design of the Cross is that it was according to the will of God.

There’s something else.

Christ is sufficient because of the doxology of the Cross.

“Amen!” he says. “To whom be glory forevermore”…verse 5. “Amen.” Did you know that the only thing that will give glory to God is our salvation through the Cross? If I add anything to it, that takes away from the glory, doesn’t it? If I should add just a wee work…”just one work, Lord, so I can just kinda feel good about myself…so I can feel like I’ve contributed something…maybe, Lord, one little work…” What that does is it takes away from the glory of Christ. Do you know something? There’ll be no strutters in heaven! There’ll be nobody in heaven saying, “I’m here because I was such a good person. I’m here because I did this and that.” Oh no! All of us will fall down before the Lamb, and worship Him. Why? Because it is only because by the death of the Cross that God is glorified, you see! If you add anything to it, then you take away from His glory and His honor and His majesty.

One more word…

Christ and Christ alone is sufficient for our salvation because of the command to preach the Cross.

I told you the “c” would come. I warned you!

Why else would God command us to preach that? When Christ commissioned us He didn’t send us out to build men’s self-esteem. He sent us out to preach repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ!
1 Corinthians 1:23…
“…but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block
and to Gentiles foolishness.”

Now, let’s think about this for just a moment. You’re going to start a new religion. You’re going to start a whole new dimension of faith and religion. Then, how can we best do it? Well, certainly we don’t want to do anything that would be a scandal to people! And secondly we wouldn’t want to do anything that other people would think is nonsense! Would we? That’s not the way to win people! Isn’t it amazing? That’s exactly what God chose! He said, “…to the Jews it’s a scandal!” Why? The thought of their Messiah being crucified as a common criminal! That’s a stumbling block! It’s something you’d trip over and you just can’t get by that because I just can’t bring myself to believe that the King of glory should die as a common thief. And to the Gentiles…that’s the rest of us…it’s nonsense. You’re telling me that the death of a Man 2,000 years ago is going to save me today? How can that be? Well, what if I were to tell you that my grandfather died at birth? I wouldn’t be here! You see, even on the human level the life and death of a person a hundred years ago affects my life. Paul says, “It pleased God by the foolishness of what was preached…” not just the foolishness of preaching, but “by the foolishness of what was preached to save them who believe.” And he says, “I want you to know that the Gospel I preach is not something that man made up…I didn’t receive it from any man…nor was I taught it…rather I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.”
Galatians 1:15:
“But when He who had set me apart, even from my mother’s
womb, and called me through His grace was pleased to reveal
His Son in me, that I might preach Him among Gentiles, I did
not immediately consult with flesh and blood, nor did I go up
to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went
away to Arabia, and returned once more to Damascus. Then
three years later I went up to Jerusalem to become acquainted
with Cephas, and stayed with him fifteen days.”

See, what Paul found out when he got to Jerusalem is that Peter was preaching the same thing he was preaching. See, what Paul is emphasizing is that this message…this Gospel…I received from direct revelation from Jesus Christ. I wasn’t taught it in a seminary. It wasn’t passed down to me by any tradition. He said that it was a direct revelation from God.

So, he said in verse 10, “Am I now trying to win the approval of men or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men I would not be a servant of Christ.”

I want to end on that note. I believe that one of the greatest dangers facing those of us who call ourselves “evangelicals” is the overanxious desire to be accepted by the world…to please men. One of our leading churches in the States…and the pastor is a good and godly man…and I think his preaching and the work of his church have brought thousands to Christ. But, he did something that just grieves me to no end. He took down the cross because it offended lost people who came into the building.
Let me say something to you. If you start out and your aim and your goal is to please men, you’re going to be forced to compromise the truth of the Gospel. Paul said, “if my ambition is to please men, then I cannot be a servant of God.” Isn’t that amazing? So we still face the task that’s before us and that’s to reach a lost and dying world. But you’ll never do it by pleasing them! You’ll only do it by being a scandal and an offense! And that comes by preaching the Cross of Jesus Christ! Amen!

Would you pray with me please?
Our Father, as we stand in Your presence, we come here to
worship You, to honor and to glorify You. And if I know
anything about what the Bible teaches, that all begins with
our acknowledging the Cross.

I pray for anyone here tonight who does not know Jesus Christ
as Savior. If they’ve never had that experience of salvation
and they cannot know without a doubt that their sins have
been forgiven. I pray that as pray that they would pray, asking
Your forgiveness for their sinfulness and asking Christ to come
into their lives to save them.

For those of us who are Christians, Lord, we live in a world in
which we’re pulled in so many directions. It is not wrong that
we should use new methods and new technologies…but it is
wrong that we should ever compromise the message.

Now, Lord, I pray the thought that You would leave with our
hearts tonight is that we cannot at the same time please men
and be a servant of Yours.

Bless Your word to our hearts…we pray in Jesus’ name,

© Ron Dunn, LifeStyle Ministries, 2005

Gal 3:01-05 | Bewitched Believers

Galatians 3:1-5

Would you open your Bibles tonight to the book of Galatians, chapter 3?  I want to read verses 1 – 5.  I will be referring to some other verses throughout the course of the message tonight, but I want us to begin with just these five verses:
O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified?  I would like to learn just one thing from you:  Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard?  Are you so foolish?  After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?  Have you suffered so much for nothing—if it really was for nothing?  Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard?

O you foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you?  Who has cast a spell on you? Who has hypnotized you that you should not obey the truth?  I’ve always been a poor sleeper.  Even to this day I can never really remember having a good night’s sleep or getting up feeling rested.  I don’t like these people who jump out of bed singing every morning.  I think it is of the devil.  I take getting up very seriously.  I don’t believe you should jump out of bed.  I believe you ought to sit on the side of the bed there for ten minutes with your head cupped in your hands, realizing that it is dangerous out there.  I have always been a very poor sleeper.

When I was pastor, I went for about six months where I just didn’t get any sleep at all.  I finally decided to go to the doctor to see if he could find out what was wrong with me.  There had to be something wrong that was keeping me from sleeping.  He ran these tests.  I went back in a few days later.  I was sitting in his office, and he walked in with the folder that contained the results of my tests.  He said, well, preacher, I can’t find anything wrong with you.  I can’t find anything organically, physically that is causing you to be unable to sleep.  Of course, he had to be a joker like a lot of doctors.  He said he did find out however that I was too short.  See, I thought I was too fat.  He said according to my chart you ought to be 7 feet, 3 inches tall.  I was glad to hear that because it’s a lot easier to stretch than it is to reduce.  He said he couldn’t find anything that is causing you to be unable to sleep.  I said, well, I have got to have something.  I was asking if he would give me some sleeping pills.  He said he really didn’t like to do that.  You can become addicted to those things and half the time you wake up with a hangover.

He said what he would really like to do was teach me self hypnosis.  When he mentioned the word hypnosis, red flags kind of flashed before my eyes, and some bells rang in my ears.  I didn’t know about that.  It was spooky to me.  When I thought about hypnotism, I always thought of some nightclub magician making somebody cackle like a chicken or bark like a dog.  He could see my hesitancy.  He said, preacher, I know all the things you have heard about hypnosis.  All hypnosis is self hypnosis.  You hypnotize yourself without even knowing it.  That’s why you get sleepy a lot of times when you are driving down the highway gazing at that long ribbon of pavement.  You get drowsy.  It’s the most natural thing about the world.  It will take me about six weeks to teach you how.  You can put yourself to sleep and wake up without any kind of hangover.

I thought what do I have to lose?—except my mind.   I said okay I would give it a try.  So I went into his office every week for an hour for six weeks.  He did teach me self hypnosis.  It was one of the most disappointing things in my life, not because it didn’t work.  It did to a certain extent.  I don’t use it anymore because it takes too much concentration.  What disappointed me was that it was so simple.  I thought I was going to be initiated into some deep, dark secret.  It was simple.  You just lie down on the bed, fix your eyes on a greasy spot on the wall, or a dead fly in the screen, take your attention off everything else and focus on that one thing.  You say to yourself:  I am sleepy.  I am sleepy.  I’m getting sleepy.  My eyelids are so heavy.  I can’t keep them open.  I’m going to have to close my eyes.  I’m getting into a deep sleep.  I’m going to count to five backwards.  By the time I get to one, I’ll be in a deep, deep sleep.  It is simply a matter of mind over mattress.  That’s all there is to it.

Paul writes to these Galatians.  He said, O foolish Galatians.  In that phrase he is  both showing his love for them, and his contempt for what has happened to them.  I like the Phillips translation.  It reads:  O my beloved idiots.  O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth?  Somebody has cast a spell on you so that you are no longer walking in the truth.

What is the essence of this bewitching?  What was this truth, or this false truth that these Galatians had been led to believe.  I think you have it right there in verse 3 where he says:  After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?  I want to say to you tonight that I believe that one of the greatest bewitchings that has come upon believers is getting them to believe that even though they are saved by grace through faith, and they began in the Spirit, yet they are perfected by the works of the flesh.  If we are going to grow and mature in the Lord, it is going to be by our performance, by following rules and regulations.  If somehow I’m going to become more pleasing to God and more like Jesus and grow in maturity, it’s up to me to do it.  I’ve got to work hard and be busy so I can become Christ-like.
Please don’t misunderstand.  I believe a Christian ought to be busy.  And I believe he ought to serve, to work.  I believe that with all my heart.  What I am saying is that service and activity will not make you spiritual.  We do these things (serving, being active, busy for the Lord) out of gratitude for what God has done for us.  It is the issue of grace.  We do not do these things because we think by doing things we are going to be more acceptable to God.

If grace means anything, it means this:  God has already accepted you.  There is nothing you can do to make God love you anymore, and there is nothing you can do to make God love you any less.  What happens is that some people come along like these Judaizers came along after Paul left.  They said Jesus was good as far as it goes; he just doesn’t go far enough.  You’ve got to add Moses.  It’s not enough just to have faith; you’ve got to have works.  It is not enough to have the Holy Spirit; you’ve got to have the law.    So these believers had become bewitched.  They thought, okay, now I’m saved.  No doubt about that but if I’m going to attain my goal and be everything God wants me to be, it’s going to be up to me.  It is going to be up to my efforts and my performance.  I’ve really got to work hard in order to impress God and please him.  Folks, I want to tell you something.  We are saved by grace through faith, and then there is the growth process where day by day we are being made more like Jesus, being conformed more and more into the image of God’s dear Son.  Friends, that is not something you accomplish by your performance, by your efforts.  Works cannot bring life to a lost man, and they cannot bring maturity to a saved man.

Why do people think this?  What gets into people so that they think it is up to me.  Most of my Christian life is struggling in the flesh trying to overcome.  It’s because they have been hypnotized.  In order to be hypnotized you have to take your mind off other things.  You have got to have your attention diverted from other things and focused on this one thing.  Paul in this passage mentions three things that these believers have had their attention diverted from that enable them to be hypnotized and bewitched by false teachers. I want to talk about those three things very quickly tonight.  The moment you take your eyes off of one of these three things, or a combination of them, you are going to be plunged into the pit of self effort, thinking that you are going to grow and become like Jesus simply because you do more than somebody else does.  What are these three things?

We become bewitched  when we take your eyes off the manifestation of the cross.

Let’s read again what Paul has to say to these people:  You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you?  In the Greek text, the word you is in the emphatic position.  In other words, Paul is saying, I can’t believe that you of all people have been bewitched.  I could understand somebody else being bewitched, but I can’t believe that you have been bewitched.  Why?  Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified.   In other words, Paul says when I was with you, every time I taught, every time I preached, it was as though I had a big billboard up there, and Jesus crucified was on that billboard.  You could translate that word billboard.  I think one translation does say before your very eyes Jesus crucified was billboarded before you.  I said I didn’t make such a small matter of it.  It wasn’t just a mention.  It was the major portion of my message.  It was the heart, the central of everything.  It was like a billboard was right there in front of your eyes, and I can’t believe that you of all people have taken your eyes off that and forgotten that.

Dr. Rogers, when you travel like I do, they think you know stuff, if you are from out of town you know things.  People ask me what I think is one of the greatest threats to modern Christianity.  I think there are two.  1) I think we are losing confidence in the power of the Word of God.  2)  We are forgetting the cross, minimizing the cross.

There are some churches that are trying to be so seeker friendly to the world that they won’t mention the cross because it is offensive.  My dear friend, I would rather offend a lost person by preaching the cross than to offend God by leaving it out of my message.  That is what we are doing today—minimizing the cross.  What happens?  Listen, when you minimize the cross, you take your eyes off the cross and put your eyes on yourself.  Then you begin to think it is up to you to do it all.

Let me tell you what the cross means.  Jesus Christ dying on the cross means that everything that was ever needed for my salvation and sanctification and glorification was accomplished by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.  It’s already been done, already been accomplished.  Everything that was necessary for my salvation, for my day-to-day living, for my glorification has already been done by Christ on the cross.   When I forget about the cross, I don’t preach the cross; I don’t like to talk about the cross.  If you don’t talk about that, what are you going to talk about?  There’s only one thing.  You talk about your goodness, your efforts; you’re doing the best you can.

If you want to know how to tell the difference between new age stuff and Christianity, that’s just it.  In new age, there is no cross, no sin.  In new age you have to solve your own problems, get in touch with your inner self and your inner child, pull yourself up by your boot straps and find the god that is within you.  But when you come to the cross, it slays man’s pride and self effort and throws him on the floor and says you can’t do anything to merit my favor.  You can’t do anything.  Natural man doesn’t like to hear that.  When we take our eyes off the manifestation of the cross (forget the cross), that is the moment we begin to focus on ourselves.

Let me show you one thing that the cross means.  (You are going to have to listen a lot faster than you are listening for me to finish.)   Look in chapter 6, verse 14, where Paul says, But God forbid that I should boast, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified unto me, and I unto the world.  There is a double crucifixion there.  Paul says the world has been crucified unto me and I unto the world.  In other words, Paul says as far as I am concerned, the world is dead.  Friends, when you forget about the cross, the world comes alive to you.  You begin to fancy it.  But he says I have been crucified to the world and the world unto me.  In other words, Paul says as far as I’m concerned, the world is dead, and as far as the world is concerned, Paul is dead.  That means if I am really going to proclaim the cross, and live by the cross, and understand the cross, I have to understand that the world holds no attraction for me, and I certainly don’t have any attraction for the world.  This is just my opinion, which I respect.  I believe with all my heart that the reason so many preachers and religious leaders today are minimizing the cross is because they want to be thought well of by the world.

Ever once in awhile I like to read the letters to the editor.  Maybe there is an issue that has been tumbling around in the pages, and some dear saint writes a letter to the editor and starts off like this:  sirs, I am a Bible-believing Christian.  Do you know what, they have done it right there.  From that moment on, the world is not going to listen to you.  As I told a group the other weekend, you can be against homosexuality if you have other than Biblical reasons for being against it.  The world will respect your opinion about abortion unless you throw up the Bible to them.  If you announce yourself as a Christian, and these are my beliefs based on the Bible, I have news for you.  As far as the world is concerned, you are dead.  You have nothing to offer.  The reason we have such a tendency to minimize the cross is because we want to have an ear with the world.  The Bible says the ear we get with the world is that which comes from proclaiming the cross.  Somebody says, but that offends people.  It was meant to.  That is the whole purpose.  It offends natural man.  So, first of all, you take your eyes off the manifestation of the cross.

II.  We become bewitched when we forget about the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
I love verse 2.  This is always a good question.  Paul says,
I would like to learn just one thing from you:  Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard?  Are you so foolish?  After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?

This is all very logical here as you follow it with Paul.  First of all, there is the cross and what Jesus did on the cross.  He did everything that was necessary for our salvation and for our sanctification.  Now, it is the ministry of the Holy Spirit to take that and make it real in our lives, and to apply it in our lives.  We weren’t saved by the works of the flesh, were we?  No!  How were we saved?  By the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit; we began in the Spirit.  Are you so foolish to think that what you began in the Spirit can now be finished by the works of the flesh?  Not so.  And so when you and I minimize the work of the Holy Spirit, forget about the Holy Spirit, don’t wait for the filling of the Holy Spirit and try to go out.  What are we doing?  We are working in the flesh.

Paul has a great deal to say about the Spirit.   Turn over to chapter 5, verses 16 and following.  He is talking about the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of those believers.  He comes down to verse 22 and says, but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control.  Notice, as I’m sure you know, the word fruit is in the singular.  He is not talking about nine different fruits.  He is talking about one fruit with nine characteristics.  You say you have love but not much patience.  Well, that would be all right if God graded on the curve, but he doesn’t.  If you are really walking in the Spirit, you are going to exhibit all nine of these characteristics.

Have you ever taken the time to study those nine characteristics?  Do you know what they are?  They are the character of Christ.  What he is saying is that the Holy Spirit is not only the one who begins us in our salvation, but he is the one who makes us like Christ.  It is the work of the Holy Spirit.  It says the fruit of the Spirit.  I like to think of the Spirit as a fruit tree planted in the believer.

When we had our farm in Arkansas, we had a big lake.  The road leading from the house down to the lake was lined by big oak trees.  It made a beautiful walk down the road to the lake.  I was there one summer, and I noticed as I came to that last oak tree right before the lake, it looked as though someone had taken a pencil and ruler and drawn a straight line right down the middle of that tree.  All the leaves on one side of the tree were dead, and all the leaves on the other side of the tree were green.  What that meant was one side of the tree was dead, and the other side of the tree was still alive.

I didn’t think too much about that at the time.  But I came back on Thanksgiving, and all the leaves had fallen off the trees.  I was walking down that road and came to that tree.  It looked as though somebody had taken a pencil and a ruler and had drawn a straight line down the middle of that tree.  All the leaves on one side of the tree, though they were dead, were still hanging on the branches.  And all the leaves on the living side of the tree had fallen to the ground.  That puzzled me.  Why did those leaves not fall?  Then I began to look around.  We had done some clearing and cut up a lot of brush but had not had time to burn it.  It was dead, and I noticed that the dead leaves were still on those dead limbs.

When I got back home, I talked to a friend of mine who knew a little bit about everything.  I mentioned that to him.  Why didn’t those dead leaves fall off those dead trees?  He said, oh, leaves don’t fall off trees.  They don’t?  No, dead leaves don’t fall off trees.  They are pushed off by the life that is in them.  As that sap begins to fall in that tree, it pushes off those old dead leaves so there will be room for the new leaves next spring.  Since there is no life on the one side, there is nothing to push off those old dead leaves.

You know, God is really smart.  What if he had arranged that differently?  Let’s say I have a hundred trees in my yard.  It’s fall and time for those dead leaves to come off so I get a ladder and climb up one of those trees.  I’m pulling off all those dead leaves.  They hang on quite tenaciously.  Finally I finish.  It’s taken me a whole day, and right at the top there’s another . . . well, close enough.  But I have 99 trees to go.  I’ll never finish by spring.  Suddenly, God says to me, son, what are you doing?  Father, I’m pulling off these old dead leaves so there will be room for new leaves next spring.  God said I don’t recall ever creating anybody that stupid.  You don’t have to pull off the dead leaves.  All you need to do is make certain the tree is alive and healthy, and that life is flowing through the tree.  It will all by itself push off the old dead leaves and produce the new leaves.

You see, I spent a greater part of my Christian life climbing trees, trying to pull off dead leaves.  Do you know what I’m saying?  I’ve got to quit this.  I’ve got to give up this.  I’ve got to give up that.  I think I’ve just about cleared the tree, and there’s another one full of dead leaves.  God came to me and said, son, that’s ridiculous.  All you need to do is make certain the Holy Spirit is flowing through you and filling you.  Do you know what?  He’ll push off the old dead leaves of hate and its place put on the new fruit of love.

The glorious thing I have about preaching tonight is that I’m not asking you to go out of here tonight and surrender to a new set of rules and regulations so you can be right.  I am asking you to go out of here submitted to a person.  When the Holy Spirit has his way with us and we walk in him, then those old dead leaves will take care of themselves.  But if you forget the ministry of the Spirit, you’ll think it’s up to you and your effort.

We become bewitched when we forget the message of faith.

I have been talking about these three things:  the cross, the Spirit, and faith.  If you study the book of Galatians, you’ll find that over and over again.  That’s the key to the whole book.  He says in verse 5, Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard?

Paul is so smart.  Verse 6:  Consider Abraham.  These Jews who had become Christians and were trying to get these Galatian Christians enslaved by following the rules and regulations of the law kept saying if you are going to be children of Abraham, you are going to have to do this.  You aren’t going to heirs of Abraham’s promise if you don’t do this.  They kept pushing Abraham down their throats, rallying around Abraham.  You have to keep the law if you are going to be children of Abraham.  Paul doesn’t shrink from that or run from it.  He comes right back and pushes it down their throat.  Do you want to talk about Abraham?  Let’s talk about Abraham.  He quotes Genesis 15 where the Bible says that the Lord imputed unto him righteousness because he believed.  What’s so important about that?  That was 430 years before the law ever came long.  If it takes the law to make you a child of Abraham, if it takes the law to make you a heir of Abraham, then there is something funny somewhere because Abraham was justified by his faith 430 years before the law ever came along.  I just want to ask you this one thing.  You received the Holy Spirit long before you heard about the law.  These were Gentiles.  They didn’t know anything about the law.  Now they have been saved; the Holy Spirit indwells them, and Christ is in their hearts.  Then these Judaizers come along and say they can’t be saved without the law.  You can’t have the Holy Spirit without the law.  They said that was funny because they received the Holy Spirit long before we ever heard of the law.

Paul comes down to verse 11:  Clearly no one is justified before God by the law because the righteous will live by faith.  You’ve heard that before, haven’t you?  The just shall live by faith.  It’s quoted four times in the Bible:  Habakkuk 2, Galatians 3, Romans 1, and Hebrews 10.  If God says the same thing to me four times in the Bible, I get the idea he is trying to tell me something.  Four times he says the just shall live by faith.  I think what he is trying to tell me is the just shall live by his faith.

It is faith that makes it universal.  If it were works, there are some works we could never accomplish.  Isn’t it wonderful how God has made his salvation so available?  O. Christmas Evans, the Scottish evangelist, used to say you could put a man in a wooden barrel, nail down the lid, wrap chains around it, padlock it, then punch out the knothole and whisper through that knothole how to be saved, and he could be saved.  Right there in that barrel.  Isn’t that amazing?  It’s all by faith.  The just are not saved by faith; they live by faith.  I live the Christian life the same way I entered the Christian life.  As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, Paul says, so walk ye in him.
All of this starts in Habakkuk 2 where the Chaldeans are swooping down on the people, and it looks like they are going to be destroyed.  Habakkuk has been complaining because God is not doing anything about the Chaldeans.  Habakkuk is, in effect, saying, what is going to happen to me?  I’m righteous.  What’s going to happen to me?  God says the just shall live by his faith.  The Hebrew word can be translated the just shall survive by his faith.  I’m glad to know I’m going to survive, aren’t you?  Do you know how you are going to do it?  Not by your works.  You are going to do it by faith.

In 1948 they made a discovery called the Dead Sea Scrolls, the earliest portions of Scripture that we have on record.  For years now a few scholars have kept those to themselves.  That’s the way scholars are sometimes.  A scholar can take this small piece of a parchment of Isaiah and study it for 30 years and then write an article in a journal on it.  Then he is famous.  That was what they were trying to do.  They wouldn’t let anybody else look at them.

But through the efforts of the magazine Biblical Archaelogists, all those things have been let loose and more people are free to study them and benefit from them.  One of the interesting things is that part of what they found was Habakkuk 2, plus a Qumram commentary on Habakkuk 2.  When it comes to that verse that says the just shall live by his faith, the word his is capitalized.  Thus, it is translated the just shall live by His faithfulness.

I don’t live by my faithfulness; I’m not faithful.  I don’t have an ounce of trust in my trust.  I don’t have faith in my faith, folks.  But God is faithful.  Do you know why I’ve survived so long?  I would have killed myself years ago.  I’m surprised that God still talks to me, much less listens to me.  I don’t why he didn’t just throw me away.  But he has been faithful. He promised to be with me.  He promised to bless me.  He promised to guide me.  He promised never to leave me nor forsake it.  Folks, it is HIS faithfulness.  Abraham said that he was persuaded that what God had promised, God was able to perform.  That is the key.  I’m all the time making promises to God, and then it is up to me to perform them.  No, that’s not the way it works.  God makes promises to us.  What he has promised, he is able to perform.  I haven’t promised God that sin shall not reign in my mortal body.  God promised that to me.  I have not promised God that every need of mine would be met according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.  He has promised that to me.  If I make the promise to God, it’s up to me to keep it.  No wonder some of you are so worried.  Forget about making all these promises to God.  Just take out your Bible and write down all the promises he has made to you.  Then the just will live by HIS faithfulness.  In the final analysis, that is all we’ve got.  For if God is not faithful, then there is no hope for any of us.  Bless God!  He is faithful.
Bow your heads . . .

Have you suffered so much for nothing—if it really was for nothing?

© Ron Dunn, LifeStyle Ministries, 2006

Gal 2:20 | Triumphant Gospel

Text: Galatians 2:20

The apostle Paul says: “I am crucified with Christ:  nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me:  and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).

There are two statements that make the Christian life a frustrating thing.  To be honest with you, I don’t know of anything that’s more frustrating than being a Christian.  One night at Falls Creek Cary preached a sermon on “Our Downright Dilemma”.  I don’t know of a more apt description of being a Christian.  Sometimes it’s just a downright dilemma.  And I’m sure that if every one of us was honest tonight, and would stand up and give our testimony, we would say, “It sure is frustrating sometimes to try to live the Christian life”.  There are two statements that give us this downright dilemma to make the Christian life a worrisome thing.  Statement number one: The demands of Christ are impossible.  Statement number two: My resources are inadequate.

The Demands of Christ are Impossible

First of all, the demands of Christ are impossible.  We’ve been learning a verse of scripture in Vacation Bible School.  I wonder if all the kids realize that it’s almost impossible to obey that scripture.  It’s Matthew chapter 5 where it says “love your enemies” (Matthew 5:44).  Anybody find that hard to do?  Love your enemies, pray for them which despitefully use you, bless them that persecute you.  It’s easy to love your friends.  But what more do you do if you just love your friends than the heathen do (Matthew 5:44 – 47).  “I say unto you, love your enemies”.  That’s an impossible command.

I know another one over in Matthew chapter 6 where Jesus says “don’t worry about anything, take no thought for tomorrow, don’t worry about what you’re going to eat, don’t worry about what you’re going to drink, don’t worry about what you’re going to wear, don’t worry about anything” (paraphrase of Matthew 6:25 – 34).  I submit to you, that’s impossible.  But I’m going to try.  I’m going to do my dead-level best.  And so I’m saved, I know I’m saved; I’m baptized; I joined the church.  So I set out with my box of envelopes under one arm and a Sunday School quarterly under the other and I’m going to do my best to live up to the impossible demands of Christianity.  And I haven’t gone very far until I’ve found out that my resources are inadequate.

I’ll be very honest with you tonight, I just can’t do it.  I just can’t do it!  And it’s a very frustrating thing.  I talked to a man in my office this afternoon and I said, “You know what your problem is?”  By the way, Dr. McBeth said one time, the reason that advise is so cheap is because of overproduction.  Oh yes!  We flood the market with advice.  But this man came for his advice.  I said, “You know what your problem is?  You’re living beneath the plane that God intended you to live.  You’re not possessing your possessions, you’re not inheriting your inheritance.  You’re living below the plane that God intended every Christian to live above”.

My Resources are Inadequate

I see on the one hand that the demands of Jesus Christ are impossible to keep and then I see on the other hand that my resources for keeping those are inadequate.  Yet I come to the Word of God and I cannot escape the fact that Jesus says we are to be overcomers in this World.  And I cannot escape the fact that in Romans chapter 8 Paul says that we are super-conquerors through Him that loved us (Romans 8:37).  I cannot escape the fact that First John chapter 5 says “this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith”  Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Christ?” (1 John 5:4 – 5)

Every Christian believes that Jesus is the Christ.  You can’t be saved without believing that.  Is there anybody here tonight that believes Jesus is the Christ?  Every one of us who have been saved believes that Jesus is the Christ.  Well, I want to ask, are you overcoming the world?  Jesus said, “he that believeth overcometh the world”.  All the way through the Word of God, and especially in the book of Acts, they are just dripping with victory.  There were insurmountable obstacles….harder times than you and I have ever imagined meeting.  Yet, one after another, there was victory and triumph.  They certainly were living triumphantly.  The demands of Christ are impossible and the resources of the Christian are inadequate.

How to Live Triumphantly

I want to preach to you tonight on how to live triumphantly.  How you can bring your own life up to the dimension that God intends it to be.  I will be glad when we come to the place at MacArthur Boulevard Baptist Church when we will settle for nothing less than absolute victory!  Douglas MacArthur made the statement years ago that there is no substitute for victory.  That was after Korea.  Vance Havner said, “We celebrated the ending of a war that never ended and we celebrated the beginning of a peace that never began”.  There is no substitute for victory!  You either win or you lose.  And in the Christian life the same thing is true.  That’s what Jesus is saying to those seven churches in Asia when He says that every promise is given to the overcomer.  He doesn’t give any promises to those who don’t overcome.  Every promise is given to the overcomer.

Jesus is saying there is no substitute for victory.  And one of the happiest days of my life was when I woke up to fact that I didn’t have to live in constant defeat, that I didn’t have to be UNDER the circumstances.  I could be on TOP of the circumstances.  That I didn’t have to be a victim, I could be the victor.  That I didn’t have to be overcome, that I could overcome.

Paul gives us the simple secret right here in Galatians 2:20.  I’m not reading anything to you that’s new.  You’ve read it a thousand times.  Paul says, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me”.  That is the simple secret of triumphant living!

I.  The Triumphant Life is the Executed Life

There are three stages in living triumphantly day by day.  First of all, the triumphant life is an executed life.  Paul says, “I am crucified with Christ”.  Crucifixion was a means of execution.  A sentence of death was passed upon a man and he was executed, he was crucified.  The triumphant life is the executed life.  It is the life that has been executed after it has been condemned by almighty God.

Someone said to me last week, “Preacher, you started talking lately a lot about dying to self and dying to this and dying to that.  Is this something new that you have just come upon?”

No, it isn’t something new!  Jesus Christ said it in John chapter 12 when He said if when a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it brings forth fruit.  But unless that corn of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone (John 12:24).  Jesus is saying the only way that there can be fruitfulness in the Christian life is if that Christian life dies.

In Romans chapter 6 Paul talks in that whole chapter about being dead; dying with Christ; buried with Christ in baptism; raised to walk a new kind of life.  In Galatians chapter 6 Paul says the same thing, “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world” (Galatians 6:14).  All the way through the gospels Jesus keeps coming back to this one secret of discipleship:  Except a man deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me, he cannot be my disciple.  The cross is the symbol of the method of execution.  Jesus is saying, unless a man knows what it means to die to self, he cannot be my disciple.  It is the executed life, dying with Christ.

The Executed Life is an Actual Past Event

Now there are two things I want to say about this executed life. First of all, it is an actual past event.  Notice what Paul says, “I am crucified with Christ.”  The togetherness with Christ.  If a man is crucified with Christ he has to be crucified the same time Christ was crucified.

If I walk out of this building with my wife, I have to walk out of this building at the same time she does.  She cannot leave an hour earlier and then I leave and say I left church with my wife.  There’s no way I can do that.  If she and I are going to leave this building with each other, we have to leave this building at the same time.  Paul says “I have been crucified WITH Christ.”  You cannot be crucified with Christ unless you are crucified at the same time that Christ was crucified.

Now let me explain this.  God sees every person either in Adam or in Christ.  If He sees you in Adam, He sees you in your sins, separated apart from God.  If He sees you in Christ, He sees you dead with Christ and risen with Christ.  He doesn’t see me apart from Jesus Christ.  He looks at me and He sees me identified with Christ.  Now I don’t understand it, but when Jesus Christ went to that cross 2000 years ago, He took me with Him!  When Jesus Christ died on that cross, I died with Him.  When Jesus Christ was laid in that tomb, I laid there with Him.  When Jesus Christ came out of that tomb on the third day, I was with Him.  I arose with Him.  I have been unified; I have been identified with Jesus Christ.  Just as all of us sinned in Adam, so all of us in Jesus Christ are counted by God as dead.

Now that means that when God looks at me tonight He looks at me with Jesus and He sees me as dead to sin, as dead to the old life, and as alive unto God. You say, “Well, I don’t understand that”.  I don’t understand that either, but I believe it!  The first thing that you have to understand in order to live triumphantly is, first of all, that you are already dead.  Romans chapter 6 says “he that is dead is freed from sin.”  That’s what it means to be justified, to be freed from sin.  When Jesus Christ went to the cross He nailed me with Him there.  I died with Christ!

When I came to Jesus Christ as a 9 year old boy and trusted Him as my savior, that death became real in my experience.  The only trouble is nobody told me that I died with Christ.  I didn’t stay dead long enough to even get rigor mortis.  I rose up out of my tomb and I started going out trying to live for Jesus.  Do you know what’s been wrong with me all these years?  It’s been a dead man trying to live, when you can’t do it.  I can understand now why I couldn’t pray.  Because a dead man just finds it mighty hard to pray.  I can understand now why I wasn’t able to live up to the impossible demands of Christ.  Now I know why my resources where inadequate.  I was dead and I just didn’t know it.

I died with Christ.  That’s the first thing.  You must come to realize that it is an actual event in the past.  That when Jesus died on the cross, He took you with Him.  When you trusted Jesus Christ as your savior for the first time, He made that death real.  You died!  Now when God looks at you, He doesn’t look at you as alive unto sin living the same old life.  When God looks at you He looks at you in union with Christ and He sees you as dead unto sin, as dead to the old life and alive unto God.  But that’s not enough.

The Executed Life must be an Appropriated Present Experience

Not only is our crucifixion an actual past event, but it must be an appropriated present experience.  Now this is where we get down to how it works for me.  Paul says, “I am crucified with Christ”.  That happened in the past when Jesus died on the cross.  But Paul says I’m aware of it day by day.  In another Scripture he says, “I die daily”.  That happened in the past when Jesus died on the cross, I have to keep up to date; I have to make real; I must appropriate it by faith.

Now in the first ten verses of Romans chapter 6 Paul is talking about what I’ve just talked to you about.  That when we came to Jesus and trusted Him for salvation, we died.  The death that Jesus died on the cross became our death.  That’s why Paul says, “What do you mean living in sin?  How can he that is dead to sin live anymore therein?”.  Paul couldn’t understand these Roman Christians wondering if they could sin because he said, “You’re dead, how can you live in sin?”.  You died to sin.  That happened in the past.

But now when it comes to verse 11 he moves out of the past and he comes to the present.  He said that now you’ve got to make it real.  So in verse 11 he says “Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God”.  Alright, are you following me?  First of all I come to the place where as a Christian I realize that I am dead.  I don’t feel dead.  I don’t look dead.  I don’t act dead.  But I’m dead as far as God is concerned.  And that’s all that really counts anyway, is how God looks at it.  As far as God is concerned, I am dead.  That means there is not anything that I can do to please God.  That means there is not anything I can do to serve God.  I am dead!  Alright, once I realize that, I have to agree with God.

Yes Lord, you’re right I am dead and I do, by an act of faith, take that position of death.  You made the motion Lord and I second it.

That’s what it means to reckon yourselves dead.  I must count myself to be dead.  You say, “I don’t understand how to do that.”  There are two ways you do that.  First of all, you must condemn your flesh.  That’s what Jesus did.

You say, “What do you mean by condemning your flesh?”.

What I mean is this:  I must come to the place where first of all I recognize that God expects nothing from me except absolute failure.  There is not one thing I can do to please God.  This flesh, myself, this nature, does not have in it the adequacy and the ability to do anything for God.  All I can do is fail God…miserably…miserably…miserably…all I can do is fail God.

I cannot pull myself up by my bootstraps and say, “I’m going to grit my teeth and I’m going to do my best and I’m going to tense my muscles and I’m going out today and I’ll die or I’ll live for Jesus”.  And I come back in absolute defeat because I never have come to the place where I’ve realized that there is nothing I can do in the first place.

I must come to that position where I condemn myself.  God’s already condemned the flesh.  Now I have to condemn the flesh.

Alright Lord, I condemn the flesh.  I take the position tonight that there is not anything that I can do to please you.  I can’t preach a sermon; I can’t witness to anybody; I can’t teach a Sunday School class; I can’t live for Jesus.

This old story of going out and trying to imitate Jesus and trying to live up to the Christ-like character, you cannot do it!  There is no possibility that you’re ever going to be able to reproduce in your life the character of Jesus Christ.  You cannot do it!

So I condemn the flesh.  I say,

“I give up Lord.  I thought all this time that I was pretty strong, that I was pretty good.  I thought all this time that maybe I could live up to the demands of Christ.  I thought all this time that maybe I could live like Jesus and I’ve tried to imitate Him and I’ve tried to reproduce Him in my life.  I realize now that that’s wrong and I can’t do it.  I realize now that when you saved me you didn’t try to repair the flesh; you wanted to crucify the flesh.”

So first of all, I condemn the flesh.  I condemn myself.  Then secondly, I by faith crucify my flesh.  Did you know that crucifixion is not a self-inflicted death?  Nobody could commit suicide by crucifixion.  Crucifixion is the one death where somebody else has to do it for you.  No man can crucify himself.  Now I want you to listen.  In Romans 8:13 it says, “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live”.  The Holy Sprit is the undertaker.  The Holy Spirit accomplishes the work of crucifixion.  The Holy Spirit makes real my crucifixion of my flesh.

This is the way it works.  If I am going to live triumphantly, I must recognize that I have to take the position of death.  Am I willing tonight to die to self?  Am I really willing tonight to give up having my way and doing what I want to do?  Am I really willing tonight to come and like the song says to “perish every fond ambition?”  To have no plans for the future…have no goals.  My life is not my own; my family is not my own; my ministry is not my own.  I don’t have any business telling God what to do with my life.  I’m willing tonight to come to the place where,

“Yes Lord, I’ll die to self.  I’ll take that position of death.  I’m already dead.  But I’ve never acknowledged that.  I have never accepted that death.  I’ve wanted to live; I’ve wanted to have my way; I’ve wanted to be selfish; I’ve wanted to live in disobedience.  I’ve not been willing just to come to the place of total crucifixion and say, ‘Lord Jesus, I die to my will; I die to my pleasures; I die to my affections; I die to my ambitions.  I’m willing tonight to absolutely die to self; to be obliterated.  I’m willing tonight to die to myself and by faith to count myself dead.  I right now by faith take the position of death’.”

When I do that, the Holy Spirit comes in and He does the work of killing.  He brings all the killing power of the cross to bear in my life and He makes it real.  And I stand before God dead unto sin and alive unto the Lord.

It has to be an actual experience and it has to be a daily experience.  Every problem is a cross to die on and every hard situation is just another cross on which to die.  Every sermon is just another place to die.  Every criticism is just another cross to die on.  You talk about liberty, you talk about emancipation, you talk about freedom, this is it!  I mean, what difference does it make if a person criticizes you?  They can’t hurt a dead man!  What difference does it make if they praise you?  A dead man can’t get a big head!  All of our problems in our church are over self, me wanting my way.  All the problems in the home are over self, me wanting to have my way.  All the problems in life arise from self.

What liberty, what freedom it is to be free from self!  No longer looking out for number one.  You know it’s a full time job looking out for number one.  Always afraid that somebody is going to get ahead of you.  Always afraid that somebody is going to get the praise for what you’ve done.

You know that happened to me.  Sometimes I feel like my ‘self’ is Dracula and it comes out of that coffin every once in a while.  I remember in a meeting, somebody gave somebody else the credit for something I did.  You know what?  Old ‘self’ rose up within me and said “Now listen, you ought to set them straight on that!”  Nobody is going to get the credit for something that I did!  Self!  Isn’t it wonderful not to have to look after number one all the time?  It’s a 24-hour job always making certain that I get everything that’s coming to me and that I get my rights; that everybody treats me right; that somebody doesn’t speak to me and I get mad and puff up and get my feelings hurt.  That can’t happen to you if you’re dead!

This is what Paul is talking about.  Friend, this is the key to triumphant living.  It’s first of all taking your position of death.  You say, “Well, is that some magic?”  No.  It’s just that when you, by faith, are willing to accept the position of death and reckon yourself dead.  The Holy Spirit then makes it real in your life.

I asked a young man who used to be a drug addict, “How is that you are able to overcome this temptation?  How is it that you’re able to have victory in your daily life?”

He said, “Well, you know, I just take the position that I’m dead and a dead man can’t be tempted.  When this old temptation comes to me and begins to knock at my door, I just tell the Lord Jesus, ‘Lord Jesus will you go answer the door?’”

This is what Paul is saying!  Paul is saying “I am crucified with Christ”.

Somebody comes up to Paul and says, “Paul, we’re going to beat you up”.  He says, “I’m dead.  The Lord Jesus will handle that.”

Now listen, Paul’s in prison in the book of Philippians.  Those people that are jealous and envious of the apostle Paul, they said, “Here’s our chance now to pull some people away from Paul’s church and get them into our church.  We’ll really make his imprisonment worse on him because we’ll take his followers away from him.”

So while Paul is in prison some of these other small-time preachers are going around criticizing Paul, lying about Paul, trying to draw people away into their own churches.

Somebody comes to Paul and says, “Paul, listen, don’t you know what’s going on out yonder?  They’re taking your followers away.  They’re leaving your church and joining their church.  Don’t you know what’s happening?”

Paul sits back and he says, “Well, for me to live is Christ.  As long as Jesus is being preached, that’s all that I care about.  I just want the Lord magnified in my body.”

So that bunch at Corinth comes along and they begin criticizing Paul, lying about Paul, slighting Paul, and insulting Paul.  What does Paul do?  Does old ‘self’ rise up and Paul get fighting mad and try to defend himself?  You know what Paul says?  Paul says, “This is a small thing for me that you judge me.  There’s one that judges me, the Lord.  What you think about me is unimportant.”

I will say that Paul was free.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful tonight to be free from worrying about what people think about you?  Wouldn’t it be wonderful tonight to be free from what people say about you, whether it’s good or bad?  That’s what Paul is talking about.  You will never get past first base in this triumphant living until you are willing to die to self.  You never will.

I told a class this one night, now I’m going to explain it to you.  There’s Jimell and here’s the pastor.  I’m alive and Jimell’s alive.  That’s two selves that are alive; that’s two wills that are alive.  I want my way and he wants his way.  What do you have?  Disunity and disharmony.  There comes a day when Jimell realizes what I’m talking about.  He takes the position of death:  “Not I, but Christ.”  He dies to what he wants; he dies to his ambition; he dies to his feelings.  But I haven’t died yet.  I’m still number one.  I still want my way.  I’m still selfish.  I’m still very much alive.  Before it was Jimell and I that were crossed, but now it’s Jesus and I that are crossed.

But there comes a day when I also come to this concept and I take my position of death.  I say, “Lord Jesus, not I, but Christ”.  I die to what I want; I die to self.  I’m just dead.  The only thing that’s alive in me is Christ and the only thing that’s alive in Jimell is Christ.  Now I want to show you how we can have unity and harmony.  The Christ that’s in me will gladly submit to the Christ that’s in Jimell and the Christ that’s living in Jimell will want what the Christ that’s living in me wants.  When it’s not I but Christ living in me, and when it’s not Jimell but Christ that’s living in him, there’s unity and there’s harmony.  Just to get ‘self’ out of the way, to take our position of death.  That’s the first key.  That’s the first step – the executed life.

II. The Triumphant Life is the Exchanged Life

Secondly, the triumphant life is the exchanged life.  First of all it is the executed life; secondly it is the exchanged life.  Notice what Paul says, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me”  (Galatians 2:20a).  CHRIST LIVETH IN ME.  Well I thought Christ lived in all of us.  He does!  Now listen, the measure to which the life of Jesus is released in you is determined by the measure to which you are dead to self.

When you come more and more to this place of being dead to self and reckoning yourself dead, not what I want……I die to every ambition, then the life which is in you, the life of Jesus, can be released in all of it’s power and all of it’s glory!  And that power of Christ is released in you only to the degree in which you are dead to self.  This is “the exchanged life.”  Let me highly recommend Victory in Christ by Charles G. Trumbull.  One night I was sitting in my den and I just happened to pick this book up.  I had never read it.  But this is what I read:

I knew something had happened [paraphrase]…

“…At last I realized that Jesus Christ was actually and literally within me; and even more than that, that He had constituted Himself my very life, taking me into union with Himself — my body, mind, and spirit — while I still had my own identity and free will and full moral responsibility…”

“…My body was His, my mind His, my will His, my spirit His; and not merely His, but literally part of Him; what He asked me to recognize was, “I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I that live, but Christ that liveth In me.”

Now this is the part that hit me like a bolt of lightning.

“Jesus Christ had constituted Himself my life — not as a figure of speech, remember, but as a literal, actual fact, as literal as the fact that a certain tree has been made into this desk on which my hand rests.”

I’d always thought about Christ being my life as a figure of speech – as symbolical language.  But when he wrote this and I opened the Scriptures, I saw that what he said is true.  That Christ constitutes Himself my life.  He is my life, not a figure of speech – not symbolical language, but literal, actual, my life is the life of Christ.  He is living in me.  He is living His life in me!  That makes the Christian life possible!  For what I cannot do, He can do.  That makes the Christian life practical.  For what I am unable to love, He is able to love.  What I am unable to overcome, He is able to overcome.  That makes the Christian life personal.  Because He liveth in me – in me.  Not in the church as a whole simply, but in me.  Every day that I live, every circumstance that I encounter, every temptation with which the devil attacks me – it’s Christ Jesus living in me.  Literal, actual, physical – not symbolical, not a figure of speech.

The exchanged life, what a bargain!  The Lord Jesus Christ came to me one day – I didn’t know it then and I wish I would have known it, because these past years would have been tremendous – and said Ron you’ve got a messed up, sorry, sinful, wicked life.  I’ll tell you what I’ll do, I’ll make a deal with you.  I’ll kill that life; I’ll take away that life and in its place I’ll give you My glorious life!  Man, you can’t beat that for a bargain!  And it’s free.  All I had to do give up was myself.  And I’m so glad to be rid of it!

So I agree with Dr. Stephen Offord when he said, “There is not a demand made on my life that is not at the same time a demand made upon the life of Christ in me.”  That’s right, every demand that is made upon my life every day – whether it’s temptation, or problems, or worry, or insults – is really not a demand made upon me.  How can it be?  Because I’m dead.  It’s a demand made upon the life of Christ which is in me.  And so I say, “Lord Jesus, you’re equal and you’re sufficient, it’s your problem not my problem.  It’s your worry, not my worry.  It’s your church.”

Do you know that I don’t worry about this church anymore.  It’s not my church.  It’s the Lord’s church.  I don’t worry about my sermons any more, whether good or bad – they’re not my sermons, they’re the Lord’s sermons.  I don’t worry about my ministry any more, whether I’m going anywhere or not.  I may just be here for the rest of my life. I don’t worry about whether or not I’m ever going to be number one up yonder, president of the Southern Baptist Convention.  It’s not my ministry.  It’s His.  I can’t think of any place I’d rather spend the rest of my life than right here.  But, you know, it’s Christ living in me.  It’s not my life.

A fellow said to me today, “Well, I don’t know if the Lord is going to use me.”

I said, “It’s none of your business whether the Lord uses you or not.”

It’s not your life.  It’s not your ministry.  It’s the Lord’s.  It’s none of your business what He does with your life – with your body.  It’s His business.  You step out of the way and die to self and you will quit worrying about it.  It’s the exchanged life.

Well, only the Holy Spirit can communicate spiritual truth.  It’s Christ living in me and it’s the most tremendous thought that has ever entered my mind.  Christ living in me!  Every demand that’s made upon me is a demand made upon Jesus.

The opposite of my nature is Christ’s nature.  My nature is not one of love.  My nature is one of hate.  Jesus is opposite, His nature is love.  My nature is selfishness, Jesus’ nature is giving.  The opposite of my nature is in Jesus and Jesus is in me.

III. The Triumphant Life is the Empowered Life

One last thing, the triumphant life is the executed life first of all.  Secondly, it is the exchanged life.  It is Christ living in us, not me doing the living.  Thirdly, it is the empowered life.  Now I want you to notice something.  I read this verse for years and years and never saw what I’m going to share with you now.  “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God” (Galatians 2:20).  It doesn’t merely say that I live by faith.  He says that “I live by the faith of the Son of God.”  Whose faith is he living by?  Paul’s faith?  No sir.  I want to tell you for years I tried to live by my faith and I was a miserable failure.  I’m living tonight, not by my faith.  I’m living by the faith of the Son of God!

You say, “I don’t understand what that means.”

It means that I am counting on God’s faithfulness.  That’s what faith is.  Faith is counting on God’s faithfulness.  Faith is merely relying that God will do what He said He’ll do.  I am counting tonight on the faithfulness of Jesus Christ.  This is what Paul is saying.  He said the life that I’m now living I’m living counting of the faithfulness of Jesus Christ – that He’ll do what He said He’ll do and He’ll be in me what He said He’ll be in me.  It’s merely taking Him at His word.

Now, God operates through faith.  We are saved through faith.  Everything that comes to us in the Christian life comes through faith.  Now all of this that I’ve been talking about tonight – your dying to self, being crucified with Christ, and Christ living and being released in you – all of this must be made real and effective by faith.

Let me illustrate what I mean.  Dr. FB Meyer was a saintly man, a Baptist preacher, in England a generation ago.  He had just come into this concept that I’ve been sharing with you tonight.  One day he was teaching a class of boys, and they were an unruly bunch.  FB Meyer realized that one of two things were going to happen.  Either he was going to have to get out of that room or he was going to blow his stack.  Now he didn’t put it exactly that way, but that’s what it amounted to.  He was at the end of his patience.  He was at the end of his rope and when he got to the end of it, he wanted to wrap it around the necks of those boys.  He just had had it.  And he recognized that he was about to loose his temper and blow up.  But he remembered what the Lord had been teaching him, just what I have been teaching you tonight.  He bowed his head and said, “Lord Jesus, I take your patience”.  FB Meyer says immediately there came to him a calm, and a tranquility, and a patience that he had never before experienced.  You say, “What happened?”  When FB Meyer faced it, the Holy Spirit did it – taking it by faith, counting on God’s faithfulness.

I want to give you my personal testimony that what I am preaching to you tonight is not theory and not high-sounding preaching.  Its actual fact and I want to give my testimony tonight that it works!  I have come to this place a dozen times when temptation comes, or a problem comes, or a worry comes and I have just tried it out.  I just said, “Lord Jesus, I take your patience.”  Now when I don’t do that, things go wrong.  I said, “Lord Jesus, I can’t face this temptation.  I know you’re equal to it and I trust in you to meet this temptation.”  The Holy Spirit, in a miraculous way, gives victory.  It’s the empowered life.  It’s not living by your faith.  You don’t have enough faith to do anything.  It’s counting on His faithfulness.

Paul says, “I live by the faith of the Son of God.”  When I take what He offers, He makes it real through the Holy Spirit.  There’s no reason why every Christian cannot experience daily the triumphant life.  If you’re not, then you’re living below what God intended for you to live.  Then you must come tonight to three things:

(1)  First of all, you are going to have to reckon with yourself.  Are you willing tonight to take the position of death?  Are you?  Are you willing to die to everything that you want?  Are you willing to die to every affection, every lust, and every desire?  Are you willing tonight to take that position and say, “Lord Jesus, I right now take my position of death.”

(2)  And then you must come to realize that it’s Christ who’s going to do the living in you, not you yourself, but its Christ.

(3)  And then you come to the place where you take it by faith, not by feeling.  I don’t care how lousy I feel.  I don’t care how melancholy I am.  I don’t care how depressed I am.  I don’t care how I feel, if I know in my heart that everything is right between me and God – I know I have victory, regardless of how I feel.  I know by faith that I have victory!  No matter how I feel, I just know that the Lord is adequate and sufficient and equal to anything that comes to me – wonderful release and blessed assurance.

© Ron Dunn, LifeStyle Ministries, 2005

2Co 12:01-10 | Paul’s Visit to Heaven

Text: 2 Corinthians 12

Paul is speaking of himself in the third person…and he is giving his personal testimony of the time when he was caught up into the third heaven. He says it happened 14 years ago and as you count back and study the Book of Acts, it is probable that this took place on his first missionary journey and perhaps when he was stoned at Lystra and left for dead…maybe that’s when the Lord caught him up into the third heaven and gave him a glimpse of that…we don’t know that for certain.

But, in these opening verses we need to understand why Paul is including this. The first few verses, Paul is speaking about of his own personal experience of God catching him up and showing him a vision of what it meant to be in heaven with the Lord.

Read 1-10:

A third heaven and a thorn in the same chapter. My, how real that is to the Christian experience. Do we ever get to the place we think that heavenly experiences exempt us from all difficulties. It is true in the life of many of you here this morning that in the very same chapter of your life you have experienced a high spiritual exaltation and a low Satanic depression.

Did you know that heavenly experiences are dangerous? And those that are blessed of God and those among whom and in whose midst God moves, that there comes to those kinds of people a very special kind of danger. You’ll notice in verse 7 Paul mentions twice this statement, “unless I should be exalted above measure, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh”…lest I should be exalted above measure…” Paul was frustrated like some of you have been at the turn of events…In one minute he’s caught into Paradise. Not a living soul has ever made that trip and come back except Jesus Christ. Paul said “I saw things…well, it’s not lawful for me to write about them…I saw things that you wouldn’t believe if I told you…I was caught up into Paradise…I don’t know if I was in the body or in the spirit…it doesn’t make any difference…I was there! And I saw the glories of that place and God gave me an abundance of revelations. But, he said, “after that a very frustrating thing happened to me…suddenly I was thrown into the valley of depression…I was thrown into the depths of despair…and I prayed three times for God to deliver me from this and He never did it.”

I think that’s a startling and frustrating response to a man’s prayer. I know that there are many of you here this morning who can identify with the Apostle Paul. You’ve been a little frustrated at some of the things that have happened to you because in one minute God has so marvelously blessed you and one minute God has lifted you up almost to the third heaven…you’ve made it to the second…and if you stood on your tiptoes you could almost have seen over to the third heaven….you never dreamed life could be so filled with joy…you never dreamed there could be so much ecstasy in just living everyday life…God has lifted you up to heavenly places and you’ve walked in that realm of glory and you’ve been praising the Lord and rejoicing…your heart just as light as air and all of a sudden, you fall flat on your face. Mountains of obstacles stand in your way. Depression comes upon you. Difficulty comes…sickness settles upon you. Infirmities, distresses, persecutions, and you can’t figure out what in the world’s going on. What’s happened? And you pray, “Lord, remove this thing…what’s going on? Lord, remove this thing..” And yet, God doesn’t answer in the way you want Him to answer.

You see, it’s not inconsistent as far as God is concerned for you to be lifted up to the third heaven one moment and to have a thorn a “messenger of Satan” in the next moment. And really the greatest revelation that Paul ever had in his life was not the revelation that he received when he was caught up to the third heaven…it was the revelation he received when he had the thorn in his flesh.

And I want you to know this morning the greatest revelation from God you will ever receive and the most profitable revelation you will ever receive from God will not be one that you would receive by being caught up into Paradise today and having your eyes exposed to all the glories of that place, but the most profitable and the greatest revelation you will ever receive is the revelation you can receive this morning from understanding the ministry of the thorns. Why in the world does God do it like.

As I was studying this passage I began to remember other incidents in the Bible and I found that this is God’s method of working. If you’ll go back and trace the great prophets and great heroes of the Old Testament and even in the New Testament, you’ll find the same thing is true. Even Jesus, after His baptism when the heavens opened and the Spirit of God descended upon Him as a dove, and the voice from heaven cried out, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”…immediately after that, Jesus was plunged into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil…to fast and to pray for 40 days.

After Moses’ greatest spiritual experience came his most severe times of testing. It was after Elijah conquered the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel and witnesses the fire of God falling that we find him whimpering under a juniper tree, praying that he would die.

So, I want you to know this morning if some of you have come from mountaintop experiences into the valleys of depression…I want you to know you’re in good company. Don’t be surprised, and ask, “Well, why does God do it this way? Why after God gave Paul that marvelous vision and that abundant revelation did He allow Satan to buffet him with a thorn in the flesh.”

Here’s the reason He did it…God did it to keep Paul useable. God did it to keep Paul useable. God does it in your life to keep you useable. I said a moment ago…Heavenly experiences are dangerous. You know why? Because they have a tendency to make us spiritually proud and presumptious. Paul recognized he was in danger of becoming spiritually proud and presumptious because he said twice in that seventh verse, “Lest I should be exalted above measure…lest I should be puffed up and think that God had favored me above me other people…Now, I had it made and I could just coast the rest of my life on this marvelous experience. Because, you see, there is nothing that will so soon disqualify you for God using you and glorifying Himself than your spiritual pride and presumption.

God can only glorify Himself through us and God can only use us when we’re kept in the position of humility and abasement and weakness.

Now, I want us to do four things as we look at this passage of Scripture this morning…

Let’s establish this priniciple…
1) Verse 9: “And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient
for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’”
(My strength is brought to completion in your weakness.

God says, “Paul, the reason I’m doing this…” and He says to you this morning, “Christian, the reason I allow these difficult things to come into your life is because your weakness is the stage on which I display My power and My strength.” You see, the condition for God displaying His power in our lives is not OUR strength and OUR ability…it is our WEAKNESS and our INABILITY.
Let’s read in 1 Corinthians 1:
“For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many
wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble;
but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame
the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to
shame the things which are strong and the base things of the
world and the despised, God has chosen, the things which are
not, that He might nullify the things that are, that no flesh
should boast before God.”

Notice three times in these verses…God has deliberately chosen the foolish things of this world to shame the wise and God has deliberately chosen the weak to shame the things which are strong, and God has deliberately chosen the base things of the world to nullify the things that are…that no flesh should boast before God…glory in His presence.

Three times Paul says that God doesn’t simply use what He can…God isn’t simply getting along the best way He can with what He can get…God has deliberately passed by the great, the noble, the strong, the wise…God has deliberately chosen the foolish, and the weak, and the base things of the world…Friend, God doesn’t use you in spite of your weakness, He uses you because of your weakness.

You say, “Well, I have so much ability.” Well, God can use that if you’ll give it up like Paul did in Phil. 3…”But what things were gain to me I counted as garbage.” I have a little pet peeve. The pet peeve is to hear somebody talk to a lost man like this, “Oh, you have so much ability, there is so much you could do for the Lord…if you’d just give your heart to Jesus there is just so much you could do for God.” That is the world’s greatest mistake. We talk about some Christians who are carnal and living lives of defeat and we say, “Oh, if they’d just get right with the Lord…what they couldn’t do for the Lord!” Listen, God deliberately chooses the things that are base and weak. God does not use you in spite of your weakness. I wish we could understand this. We think that God is just getting along the best way He can and God just has to make do with what He has.

Listen, Paul says that God deliberately chooses these things so that He can be glorified and exalted and the only way God can use you is when He can be glorified in you. God is not going to use this church if He cannot be glorified in the using of it. The only way God will be glorified in the using of our lives and our bodies is if we recognize our utter weakness and inability. So, God is constantly reminding us that we’re just dust and He lets these thorns in the flesh come to us to remind us that we are weak…to show us our weakness and inability.

You remember over in 2 Chronicles 26, King Uzziah was a man God had greatly blessed (Remember we’re establishing the principle that God’s strength is made perfect when we’re weak)…
“And in Jerusalem he made engines of war invented by skillful
men to be on the towers and on the corners, for the purpose of
shooting arrows and great stones. Hen his fame spread afar,
for he was marvelously helped until he was strong.”

Now, there is a modern success story…King Uzziah has gained power and he’s gained prosperity and he says, “Here’s what we’re going to do…when we have to fight battles now, we’ve got it made. I’ve had skillful men to invent engines and we’re going to set these on the towers and my name is spreading abroad all over the land…I’m becoming famous…”
“…he was marvelously helped until he was strong…”

King Uzziah was marvelously helped by God…how long?…as long as he was weak, but when he became strong there was no more help…
“But when he became strong, his heart was so proud (lifted
up) that he acted corruptly…”

Listen, you know what happens in the lives of a great many Christians who enter into the spiritual life and God begins to bless…your heart is lifted up to your own destruction and the principle by which God operates in our lives is to remind us that we’re dust and He’s constantly weakening us and drawing out of us our OWN strength so that He can be glorified in our lives.

When D. L. Moody first went to Britain years ago, one of the British reporters went to interview and watch D. L. Moody as he preached and conducted his services, because he was trying to find out the secret of this man’s success. Here’s what he wrote…
“Mr. Moody uses bad English, has a high pitched voice,
speaks with a nasal tone, is overweight and generally rough.
I can see nothing in Mr. Moody to account for the success
of his work.”

And when Moody read that, he said, “That’s the secret! There is no way to explain this work except for the power of God!”

Now, some of you have been praying, “Lord, use me.” Alright, the first thing God has to do if He’s going to use you is to weaken you and to abase you and to humble you.

Now, that’s the principle…let’s examine the process:

How does God do this? Paul says “lest I should be exalted above measure, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh…” This is the process. God says, “I can only use you, I can only be glorified in your life when you’re weak. Now, here’s how I’m going to make you weak.” “There was given to me a thorn in the flesh.” That word “thorn” means a “wooden stake” that impales someone to a cross or to a tree. The verb form of that word means to crucify. And here’s the picture that Paul is painting…he says, “there was given to me a stake that nailed me to the wall and nailed me to the floor…” Now that’s about as helpless as you can get.

Paul says, “I besought the Lord three times to remove it.” Now, if anybody has their prayers answered, it ought to be the Apostle Paul. Man, I’d like to have him praying for me. Well, I want you to know this is a startling response…God didn’t remove that thorn in the flesh. Paul prayed three times…I bet that’s the first he ever had to pray three times for anything in his life, and he was frustrated just like some of you have been.

Some of you have said, “Oh Lord, I could serve you better if you’d change circumstances…Lord, if you would put me in a different position. If you would give me a different situation…What is the “thorn in the flesh” for you this morning? You know, I think it’s significant that Paul does not identify his “thorn in the flesh.” Some people say we know that Paul was married because he said he had a thorn in the flesh. Well, that’s just speculation. Paul doesn’t identify the thorn in the flesh. Why? Because what it was is not important. It may have been some physical disease or infirmity…it could have been anything. We know that it wasn’t spiritual or moral defeat because God would have removed that. But it was something that Paul looked upon as a handicap. He was given a thorn in the flesh…a physical handicap or obstacle. And Paul said, “Lord, I could serve you so much better if you’d just remove this and change this…” Is that the way you pray?

Women pray, “Lord, I could just serve you so much better if you’d just change my husband.” Men pray, “Lord, I could just serve you so much better if you’d just change my wife, or move me to another position or to another town, or if you’d just give me this or give me that, or just change this circumstance in my life…then, I could just serve you!!”

Is that the way you’ve been praying? I want you to just notice something. Here is Paul’s great revelation. He says, “There was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan, to buffet me.”

Well, you mean to tell me that a thing can be of the devil and of God at the same time? That’s right!! It was a messenger of Satan and yet a gift of grace at the same time!! I think that’s good. You know, God uses the devil. That must frustrate him something awful. The devil comes along and he says, “You know, I’ve got something that’s just going to wipe you out! You’ve been causing me no little trouble…” (You know, Paul was known in hell…those people over in Acts who tried to cast out the demons…the demons said, “Jesus, I know…and Paul, I know…but who are you?) Well, Paul was famous in hell…he was a constant thorn in the devil’s flesh and so, Satan said, “Paul, I’m just going to wipe you out…I’m going to destroy your effectiveness…I’m going to destroy your ministry…you just had this tremendous spiritual and you think you’re on top of it all…I’m going to show you what I can do.”

And Satan inflicted him with a thorn in the flesh. And God says, “Thank you, Satan…just what I wanted you to do…you played right into My hands…because I know Paul real well and Paul was beginning to get a little bit ‘holier than thou’ attitude. He was beginning to coast just a little bit. He was beginning to get lifted up just a little bit through all of these great experiences that he’s had and I want to thank you for playing right into my hands.”

Listen, if God couldn’t use the devil, He’d kill him. The only reason God allows the devil to do what he does is because God is using him.

Now, listen, what’s your thorn in the flesh this morning?
Is there some difficulty…not talking now about moral or spiritual difficulty. Those things always removes. It may be physical illness. It may be a job situation that you wish could be changed. It may be a thousand things…it’s your thorn in the flesh.

God allows Satan to buffet you. Why? So He can keep you useable.

Alright, let’s move on…

Let’s explore now the possibilities of this principle…
The principle is: God’s power is made perfect when I am weak.
The process is: God makes me weak by giving me thorns in the flesh…difficulties.
Now, the possibilities of this:

Verse 9: “Most gladly will I glory in my infirmities in order that the
power of Christ may rest upon me.”

There are two glorious possibilities once you realize the principle by which God words. First of all is:

I can have victory in the midst of my difficulties.

Paul says “Most gladly will I glory…” That word, “glory”, means to give a “shout of triumph.” Sometimes people want to know if shouting in church is Scriptural. It is…the word “glory” means to shout. Paul says, “I will give a shout of victory in my distresses.” Why? Because it changed his viewpoint of distresses. The revelation of God changed the way he looked at things that came into his life.

Now, listen. I want you to remember this…If there is a thorn in your flesh, if there is situation that seems to be unbearable, if there is a circumstance in your life that presents difficulty and distress and you pray and God won’t remove that…then the next thing you’re to do is to praise Him for it, because God is going to use that to glorify Himself in your life.

Now, the first thing Paul prayed (I think he did right)…He prayed. He wanted it to be removed, but after it was not removed, he realized then through the revelation of God that God is saying, “I want this to stay here because this is a ‘minister’ that I have given to you. I’m going to use this.” Now, you need to change your viewpoint of difficulties and distresses and obstacles in your Christian life. If God will not remove them, then you know that God is using them for His glory.

Now, I repeat…we’re not talking about spiritual and moral failure. You can never use sin as an excuse this way. It’s things that are not morally and spiritually wrong. But you begin to praise God for them…and when a Christian realizes the principle by which God operates in his life, he can look upon any distress and any persecution, any difficulty, any tragedy, and say, “I will give a shout of victory in this, because I know God is using this, and He wants to use it if I’ll allow Him to glorify Himself in my life.”

The second great possibility is:

Not only victory over distresses and difficulties, but the power of Christ is made available to us.

He says, “Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities
that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
That word “rest” means “a tent spread over us”. It’s the only time it’s found in the New Testament. Paul says, “The power of Christ is like a tent spread over me and I live under the shelter of the power of Christ. And every day of my life, and every moment of my life I am sheltered by the power of Christ and the power of the risen Lord abides on me and is made available to me.”

But, I want you to notice the power of Christ dwells on him and abides on him only when he glories in his distresses. Did you notice that? It’s a chain reaction there. Some of you say, “Well, now Preacher, I’ve had difficulties, I’ve had distresses, I’ve had infirmities, but I haven’t seen the power of Christ in my life…I haven’t witnessed the power of Jesus glorifying in my life…” No, because you’ve not gloried in those infirmities…you’ve complained and griped and grown bitter. You know what will turn the trick? When you get Paul’s viewpoint, the heavenly viewpoint and you agree with God and you say, “God, I know that you’ve sent this now as Your gift of grace and I praise You for it and I glory in it, because I know it means You’re working in my life.”

Now, the last thing…Let’s enter into the provision.

What is that provision. Paul says, “Lord, take this thorn from my flesh.” God gave him a better answer. God said, “I’m not going to take the thorn from your flesh…I’m going to give you something better….My grace is sufficient for thee…My grace is sufficient for thee.”

The provision! He doesn’t say, “My grace will be sufficient.” He doesn’t say, “My grace can be sufficient.” He says, “My grace is sufficient, right now, present tense…My grace is sufficient.” I think that has to be the world’s greatest understatement. “MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR THEE,”

He could have said a lot of things. “My grace just completely overwhelms every problem.” No, He says, “My grace is sufficient for thee.”

You heard the story of the man who purchased a Rolls Royce. It’s the policy of the Rolls Royce corporation not to publish the amount of horse power of their engines. And this man paid all that money for the Rolls Royce and he felt like he had a right to know how many horsepower he had under that hood. Well, he kept asking them, and they kept sending him back letters “it is our policy not to disclose the amount of horsepower that we put in our engines.”

The man just got so angry about it and he kept on and kept on… he went to the head office and sent telegrams, he demanded to know and the people said, “We’ve just to give this fellow some kind of answer. He’s never going to let us alone.” So, the next time he wrote, demanding how much horsepower was in his Rolls Royce, he got back a telegram with one word on it: “ADEQUATE”

That’s what God says…Paul says, “Lord, You just don’t know the problems I’m going through. Lord, look at my situation. Lord look at this difficulty…Look at this infirmity…Lord, do something!” God says, “My grace is adequate…My grace is sufficient for thee.”

So Paul says, “Thank You, Lord…I know it is..I’ll take it by faith. Praise the Lord for difficulties. Praise the Lord for infirmities. Praise the Lord for thorns from the devil. His grace is sufficient for me.”

And, it’s sufficient for you, no matter what the situation is. That’s how God’s been working in your life.

This past week…these past months…this past year, some of you have been perplexed about the turn of events in your life. You’ve given Jesus everything you know to give Him. You’ve totally, without reservation, yielded it all to Him and not been able to understand it. Lest you be lifted up above measure, there was given to you a thorn the flesh, so you might walk, not in the power of your own strength or experiences, but knowing that His grace is sufficient for you.

© Ron Dunn, LifeStyle Ministries, 2005

2Co 05:09-11 | The Judgment Seat of Christ

2 Corinthians 5:9-11; 1 Corinthians 13:13-15

Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:9-11,
9Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.  10For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.  11Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

In a book a few days ago I came across a statement that gripped me. The statement was this: Do you realize that we are only a heartbeat away from a fixed state of reward, be it joy or shame. The phrase that really got hold of me was that phrase a fixed state of reward. Just one heartbeat, just one breath away from what I will be throughout all eternity. More and more I began to think about this fixed state, realizing that where I take off in time, I take up in eternity. As a man lives, he dies; and as he dies, he lives again in that condition throughout all eternity—just a heartbeat away from a fixed state of reward. The thought that came to me is if this heart should take its last beat, and I come into that fixed state of reward, is it what I want it to be? Realizing that there is nothing that can change it after that, that all I am going to do to determine my life, my existence in eternity, must be done this side of that heartbeat, what would it be? Would it be of joy or of shame? Paul realized that this life is just a prep room for eternity—that everything we do in this life, everything we do in our bodies in some way or another determines our fate, our condition, on the other side of that heartbeat. As he writes to these Christians at Corinth, his mind is traveling to that judgment seat, and he recognizes that all of us will stand before the judgment seat of Christ and there receive for what we have done, good or bad.

So Paul, in verse 9 says, wherefore we labor, we endeavor, that whether we live or die, we may be well pleasing to him because we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ. Here is what Paul is saying: the most important issue is not whether I live or die, but it is what my condition will be before the judgment seat of Christ. This issue is more important than the issue of life and death. Whether I live or whether I die is beside the point. That fades into insignificance in light of the judgment seat of Christ. Whether I live or die, I labor, I work, I make it my ambition, the aim of my life, that when I stand in his presence, I will be well pleasing to him.

He is not talking about that judgment where those who do not know Christ will stand. That is a different judgment when they will receive eternal punishment. He is talking about that judgment seat to which every believer will someday appear. The Christian is not going to be judged himself as to determine whether he is saved or lost. It is not a matter of salvation; it is a matter of stewardship. I thank God that Jesus said, he that believeth on me shall not come into condemnation but has passed from death unto life. Romans 8:1 says: He that is in Christ Jesus hath no condemnation. The one that condemns us is Jesus Christ who died for us and is right now interceding for us. The believer’s condemnation is past and done with. God judged me at Calvary, and I’ll stand in jeopardy of my salvation. I will never stand before God and receive salvation or loss of salvation. I’ll never come to that condemnation. I myself will never be judged, but my life, my works, what I have done as a Christian will be judged.

The Greek word he uses here for judgment seat is the word beama which comes from the athletic games they used to have in those days. The beama was where the judge sat and observed all the athletes as they participated in the games. When the games were over, the athletes stood before that beama, that judgment seat, and there they received their wreaths, their crowns, their trophies—or they did not receive them. There they received their reward, their prize, for running in the race. God uses this same word to say that every Christian as he lives his life is living it in the sight of that judge and when our life is finished, which may be only a heartbeat away, we will stand before that beama, that judgment seat and there Christ will reward us according to what we have done in our body, whether it be good or bad. That is going to be a day of revelation.

He says we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ. To appear doesn’t simply mean to put in an appearance or to make a showing. The Greek word means we will be led into the light. It means to be turned inside out, to be displayed as to our proved character.

So the judgment seat of Christ is a time of revelation. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:13-15:
13Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.  14If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

Paul says that we will all be led into the light of Christ, of that judgment seat. Our lives will be examined in the light of God. We will appear, be made manifest (1 Cor. 3:13). Every façade, every mask, every hypocrisy, every pretense will be ripped from us. We will stand before the judgment seat of Christ turned inside out. It will be a time of revelation.

The light is bad down here. I often examine and judge my life in the light of your life. I see what you do, and what you fail to do, and I judge my life in the light of your life and think I’m all right, pretty good. Hardly a week goes by that I don’t hear someone say, well, nobody is perfect. We are always judging ourselves in the light of someone else’s life. The light is very bad. Some of us have an idea that we are pretty good Christians and that when we were saved 15 or 20 years ago, baptized and joined the church, that’s all there is to it. We come on Sunday. We may give an offering or tithe. We support the work of the Lord. That’s it—all that God asks of us. If somebody were to ask are you a faithful Christian? You’d say, sure, I go to church and I pay my tithe. There is so much more to it than that.

The day of judgment will be a day of revelation when we no longer judge and evaluate our lives by the preacher or this deacon or that Sunday school teacher, but now we evaluate our lives by the person of Jesus Christ. What a revelation that will be—to see what we really are. The truth of the matter is that none of us really knows what the other one is like.

One reason we get our feelings hurt so easily is because we think more highly of ourselves than we really are. We have a wrong idea of what we are. The Scripture I read a while ago in 1 Corinthians, chapter 3, says that He will try every man’s work, of what sort it is. Notice it doesn’t say of what size. Every man’s work shall be made manifest. The same word used there is shall be dragged into the light, and day shall reveal its true nature, everything I’ve done, everything you’ve done, in the name of Christ, or not in the name of Christ, shall be weighed in the balances. God is not trying to figure out how big it is, the quantity of what we’ve done, but the quality of what we’ve done. The important thing with God is the motive of the heart. You may come to church, tithe, teach a Sunday school class but if your life as a whole is not lived for the glory of God, then you are not ready for this appearance before the judgment seat of Christ.

In Matthew, chapter 6, Jesus is talking about the way a Christian is supposed to live. He says that some people when they do good deeds do them thinking about the praise they are going to receive from men. They want men to reward them. This is why if we do something in the church and nobody pats us on the back, we get a little bit hurt and upset about it. He says some people pray, and when they pray, they are thinking more about how good they are, and how much more they pray than someone else, than they are thinking about what God thinks of their prayer life. If you live for Christ—pray, go to church, teach Sunday school—and you are more conscious of the presence of the people than you are of the presence of God, verily you have your reward right now. You will not receive a reward from your Father in heaven because the Father who sees knows the motive of what you are doing.

The biggest problem I have in my Christian life is evaluating my motives—why I preach, why I teach, why I live for Christ. What a day of revelation it is going to be.

It is not only going to be a time of revelation, it is going to be a time of rewarding. Notice what Paul says: that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.  In the 1 Corinthians passage, he talks about receiving a reward. The purpose of it all is to reward us.

Notice that everybody is going to receive something. Sometimes I’ve heard it preached and taught that only those of us who are good and faithful to the Lord are going to receive anything. Verse 10 says that everybody is going to receive something. We must all appear above the judgment seat of Christ that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or whether it be bad. Everybody is going to receive something. Some of them will receive a booby prize, I suppose.

Notice what they are going to receive: the things done in their bodies. It is an interesting fact that the Bible teaches that every day I am building up a bank account in heaven. Do you have a savings account? I have a savings account. John B. Rockefeller has a savings account. The only difference between his savings account and mine is that I put pennies in mine, and he puts millions in his. Everything you do goes into that account. On the day of judgment God is going to give us the things done in our body. That is going to be a time of reunion when before the judgment seat of Christ I meet face-to-face everything that I have done for Christ as well as everything I have failed to do for Christ. Everybody is going to receive something, whether it be good or whether it be bad.

It is interesting to notice that the word bad doesn’t mean sinful or evil. It means worthless, trite, trivial. There are a lot of Christians who are separated from the world as far as getting drunk, taking dope, lying and stealing, and all those bad things. That’s not what he is talking about. He is saying that many of us are going to suffer loss at that judgment seat of Christ not because we have done those things that are not bad, evil, or sinful, but we have done those things that were worthless as far as God is concerned.

I wish I could get you to take a moment to review this past week. How many trivial things have you and I exhausted our time doing? Paul says that God has laid the foundation. That foundation is Jesus Christ. Now, you and I are to build a life on that foundation. What kind of materials are you going to use on building this foundation? He says some men use gold, silver, and precious stone for their foundation—building a life, a home, a tabernacle of their lives. This is good material; things that cost them something. They must sacrifice for it.

Over here this Christian has said you don’t want to get too fanatical about this business. You can go overboard. I’m saved, and that is the main thing. The foundation is laid. So he doesn’t want to sacrifice. He goes out to the junkyard and finds some wood, hay, and stubble—the most worthless junk. He says he will build his life with this. Then I can take all my gold, silver, and precious stone and spend it on what I want. I’ll take the prime time of my life, and I will use it the way I want to use it. I’ll take the bad times, the worthless things, and I’ll give the exhaust to Christ. I’ll burn all the fuel in my own life and give the exhaust to Christ—give him the leftovers. So there are many of us this morning who are building our lives with wood, hay, and stubble. Everybody has built something into your life this week. You’ve laid brick or you’ve laid precious stones.

The tragic thing is that so many of us today are building our lives with worthless junk. On that day God shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. It shall be tried by fire. Here is the figure that he is using. Here is a man who has built a house. The Lord comes up to see what kind of house he has built. Let’s just see how much this house meant to you—how much you were willing to sacrifice and put into this house. He sets a match to it, and the fire rages through the house. The only thing left standing was the well built part—the gold, silver, precious stone, steel girders are still there. The wood, hay, and stubble are all gone.

He says if a man’s work abides, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. The Greek is that he shall be saved through fire. It is a picture of man caught in his burning house. He runs through the fire, gets out, and says thank God I’m saved. He looks back, and everything he possessed, everything he owned, everything he had lived for goes up in smoke. He comes out with nothing. His salvation is reduced to a minimum. He is barely saved. That is the way some of us will stand in the presence of Christ. Thank God, I’m saved; I missed hell. But we will have the smell of smoke on our garments, look around and there is absolutely nothing that we brought with us. Everything we did in our lives has gone up in smoke.

Do you see why the Bible teaches that you ought to live with eternity in mind? The biggest fool in this building is that person who lives only for this present time, not recognizing, not acknowledging that he is only a heartbeat away from that fixed state.

It will be a time of revelation and reward, but it will also be a time of regret. Ye shall suffer loss. 1 John 2:28 says that some of us will be ashamed before him at his coming. We often talk about the second coming of the Lord as a thing of joy, and the Bible does call it the blessed hope. The Bible also has a great deal to say about being embarrassed and ashamed at his coming. Because we are not ready; we will suffer loss. We may have worked a lifetime to build up our holdings, our possessions, but we will be paupers before that judgment seat of Christ.
The reason is that God is judging our lives as a whole. This is very important. Many of us have the idea that God is going to reward us like prizes in a carnival. Have you ever gone to a carnival? All those booths—robbery row I call it because they are going to take your money. Knock the milk bottles off and win this teddy bear. Take the gun and shoot it, and throw the hoops around the bottles. I’ve played these games. I’ll miss a lot, but I’ll come out with something. I don’t go home empty-handed. I’ll have something to show for all that money I blew at that ridiculous side show.

A lot of us think the judgment seat will be like this. I remember one time I prayed. Maybe God will give me a little prize for that. I remember one time I invited my neighbor to church. Maybe God will give me a little prize for that. I remember one time in a revival that I got right with God for about a week. I visited, tithed, and read my Bible for about a week. Surely God will give me something for that. I know I won’t be on the front row, receiving all of that, but I will have something.

No, that’s not the way God works. He takes life as a whole, as a unit. He is not going to take little isolated incidents, little unexpected occasions of service, and reward each one of those. He will give us one reward for the things done in our body. If my life has not been lived in submission to him for his glory, I will suffer loss. But it makes no difference how many times I’ve failed, or how many times I have disappointed my Lord, if I have lived my life to the best of my ability in submission to him–yielded to him for his glory, I shall receive a reward. God is going to take your life as a whole and judge it.

You say, what is that reward? I don’t really know. I can tell you what I believe the reward is. Every time Jesus himself talked about that time of judgment, here was the reward that he himself offered: Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I want to tell you that I am just a heartbeat from his presence and away from that judgment seat. If I can stand in his presence and just have him look at my life and say well done, that is enough. The golden streets and mansions and gates of pearl won’t mean very much is you do not have the Master’s well done.
Listen, if Christ cannot pronounce well done upon your life right now, then he cannot pronounce well done upon your life at the judgment seat. As you leave this life, you enter that life in the same condition in a fixed state of reward. Right now God is judging you and me. What is the pronouncement he makes on your life? If he cannot look at your life and say well done, then he will not be able to say it at the judgment seat.

©Ron Dunn, LifeStyle Ministries, 2008