Mark 10:46-52
— Vs 51, “What do you want Me to do for you,” may sound like a superfluous, even foolish, question. What else would a blind man want but his sight? But Jesus asked the question anyway, and He asks us.
I. WHAT DO YOU WANT JESUS TO DO FOR YOU? 1.This is a probing question. What do you REALLY want? The question forces self-examination. 2. his is a personal question. 3.This is a promising question. The fact that He asks it implies He is ready to do something.
II. HOW BADLY DO YOU WANT IT? 1. To disregard public opinion? vs. 48, “And many charged him that he should hold his peace.” 2. To discard personal obstacles? vs. 50, “And he, casting away his garment….”
III. WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH IT? Vs. 52, “And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way…..And immediately…he followed Jesus in the way.” He used his sight to follow Jesus. Perhaps Jesus’ real purpose was not to just provide eyesight, but to made it possible for him to follow Jesus. Jesus will give you anything that will make you a better follower.
What would you do with it? The question is already answered by what you have done with the things Jesus has already given you.
©Ron Dunn, LifeStyle Ministries, 2001