To my dismay I never met Pastor Dunn. I saw his book, Faith Crisis, at a grocery store among a mere handful of other books and felt the Lord prompting me to purchase it. I am so glad I did! I am the author of several books, and like Pastor Dunn I am a research nut when it comes to seeing what the real meaning and expressions of words in the Bible. I too have done an in-depth study on faith over the last 23 years and can’t get enough. I was so blessed by this book. To me, he wrote a lot like Andrew Murray. God gave both revelations of the Word of God and were faithful to share it. I intend to purchase all of his books and read through every piece of everything he’s written to glean his knowledge. God is so faithful. I’ve been praying for his wife and children. I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine what you’ve endured. Keep your eyes on the Prize and your feet on the Rock and you will not falter. Leslie