Jam 1:01-08; 16, 17 | Knowing Before Asking

James 1:1-8; 16,17

I. HE IS A GIVING GOD. “That gives to all men….”     1. He gives to all men generally. 2. He gives to all men generously     3. He gives to all men graciously.

II. HE IS AN INVOLVED GOD. “If any lack wisdom.” “fall into trials.”  He is a God who is interested in our lives. If it’s big enough to worry about, it’s big enough to pray about.     1. He is concerned about our circumstances.     2. He is more concerned about our character.         (1) Seen in that trials are allowed.         (2) Seen in that wisdom is offered.         (3) Seen in that faith is demanded.

III. HE IS A TRUSTWORTHY GOD — Vs. 16, 17 No change. Nothing changes or affects Him.     1. He is a Father     2. He is Faithful. It may often appear that God’s gifts aren’t good — the world has turned and cast a shadow on the goodness of God. Spurgeon said, “When you cannot trace His hand, you can always trust His heart.”


©Ron Dunn, LifeStyle Ministries, 2001

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